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MRHS Days memorializes our four years at MRHS.
Please send us copies of any photos you have so that we can include them.

1963 Music Festival Recording

Steve Mulhall has converted his LP album of the 1963 MRHS Music Festival to mp3s so that it is playable on modern devices. He sent one song, The Ways of Love, from the choral section. We don't have room on the website for the file because it is 2.7 MB in size. If you'd like a copy, e-mail John Hoffman and he'll send you a copy by return email. (Steve Mulhall can likely be persuaded to accommodate requests for other recordings on the album.)

Doug Anakin Wins Olympic Gold Medal

Photo of Doug Anakin with Olympic Gold Medal

1962 Chess Team Beats Chomedy High

Photo of 1962 Chess Team

The Mikado

Thanks to Paul Lewis for sending a copy of the Mikado program (pdf file, opens in a new window).

Photo of Joan Morrison in Mikado
Joan Morrison and Frank McGillivray (class of 1963)

Photo of Jane Lavery in the Mikado
Jane Lavery

Photo of Josh Rotbaltt, ? and Russ Briggs in the Mikado
Josh Rotblatt, Ken Garside, and Russ Briggs
Sadly, Ken Garside passed away on June 17, 2010 in Toronto, after being severely afflicted with Myotonic Dystrophy for many years.

Photo of Judy Houghton, ? and Joan Morrison in the Mikado
Judy Houghton, Pam Todds (class of 1963), and Joan Morrison

Prefect Board, 1963–64

Photo of 1964 Prefects
Back Row: Ron Rayside, Taylor Statten, Jim Wilton, Peter Jewett, David Rayside, Josh Rotblatt
Middle Row: Steve Springer, Nina Shalhoub, Joanne Stuart, Janet Fraser, Mary Brian, Cathy Gibb.
Front Row, L to R: Kathy Tweedie, Ginny Tatam, Steve Mullhall, Joan Morrison, Margot McDougal.

Mike Krashinsky, Brian Stuart, John Hoffman, and David Caplan

Photo of Mike Krashinsky, Brian Stuart, John Hoffman and David Caplan
in an official MRHS photo (with the MRHS seal on the back) commemorating some long-forgotten event.

Roland Lawton, Sandie LeMessurier, Barbara Hawkins, Jim Brown, 1964

1964 Photo of Roland Lawton, Sandie LeMessurier, Barbara Rager and Jim King

Sandie LeMessurier and Linda Gilbert, 1963

Photo of Sandie Lemessurier and Linda Gilbert, 1963
What are they plotting???

The Devil's Disciple
Tension Mounts at High School In Shaw Play

Photo of Devil's Disciple production
JUDY HOUGHTON as Mrs. Anderson confronts a sneering NEIL WITHERS who, as General Burgoyne of the British Army, she accuses of murdering a man and excusing himself because of his "red coat". Presiding at this courtmartial of Richard Dudgeon (not in the picture) are seated from the left: DAVID RAYSIDE (an officer); WALTER GORDON (Maj. Swindon); RON RAYSIDE and RIKI SALA (officers). Keeping a watchful eye on proceedings is DOUG SIMPSON as the sergeant who effected the arrest of Richard Dudgeon.

"The Devil's Disciple" by George Bernard Shaw, is considered to be one of the best by that prolific playwright. Its time is the American Revolution but it is not so much concerned with the political aspect as with a group of people of conflicting spiritual views.

The play reaches an exciting climax with the arrest of the Devil's Disciple, Dick Dudgeon, and the court scene depicted above. Costuming and settings are authentic throughout and brilliant with colour.

People are asked to go to this play, not because it is being given by the local High School (which is, of course, reason enough) but because it is worth seeing.

Mr. Phillip H. Baugniet, French teacher and staff director of the Drama Society, estimates that no less than some 4,000 hours have gone into its presentation, and the result is a highly polished production of a professional standard.

Some 100 people at the school are involved in this ambitious programme. No-one—particularly those who enjoy live entertainment—should miss "The Devil's Disciple". It is being presented this Thursday and Friday evenings in the auditorium, starting at 8 o'clock.

Tickets are only $1 each and are obtainable at the door.

Ticket for Devil's Disciple

Thanks to Linda Nixon Trippel for sending the April 17, 1964 Town Weekly Post article about the Devil's Disciple and the copy of the ticket to the play.

MRHS Football Squad Wins Every League Game Before Being Downed By Lachine For the City Championship

This Fall the Mount Royal High School football team enjoyed a very successful season, winning all of its league games to earn the league title, before bowing to Lachine High in the city championships.

Mount Royal won the league title by beating second place Rosemount 34-0 on November 4th.  In this game, Barry Schreiber supplied most of the offensive power, scoring the 10th, 11th, and 12th touchdowns of the year.

He opened the scoring with a 70-yard off tackle run in the first quarter.  Bob Neild, who has been brilliant in his play selection this year, passed to Tim Hutchins for a 27-yard touchdown, bootlegged the ball to score himself and handed off to Danny Palov for a 19-yard touchdown run to cap the scoring in the game.

A goal line stand in the first quarter highlighted Mount Royal's best defensive effort of the season.  Bob Ross, Toby Stewart, Danny Palov, Danny Watkins, and Don Gardner all turned in outstanding performances in smothering Rosemount's running tackle, while Paul Rossy, Taylor Statten, and Bob Neild at defensive halfs limited Rosemount to one completed pass.

In the city championship game against Lachine on Friday, Mount Royal was unable to cope with the rainy weather and fumbled seven times, losing the game 31 to 13.

Despite the disappointing score, the Town boys played their hearts out and actually outscored Lachine in the second half. Taylor Statten was outstanding on offense, while Danny Watkins, Dan Palov, Paul Lewis, Peter Ballem and Toby Stewart were all standouts on defence.

Mr. Messenger and Mr. Davies must both be congratulated for turning out a solid team, and the good sportsmanship and team spirit were a credit to both men as well as to the boys themselves.

Photo of MRHS Football game
Toby Stewart and Danny Watkin atop a Lachine High player

Photo of MRHS Football Game
Barry Schreiber, Toby Stewart, Don Gardner, and David Ironside diving at a Lachine High player.

Thanks to Linda Nixon Trippel for sending the November 15, 1963 Town Weekly Post article.

Town Captures Section Title

Photo of Football Championship Game 11-63
There's plenty of blocking for Mount Royal's fullback, Danny Palov, on this play

With Barry Schreiber stealing a little of Danny Palov's thunder, Mount Royal High wound up the section "B" grade 11 football crown yesterday by walloping Rosemount 34-0. . . .

Fullback Schreiber mesmerized Rosemount's defensive corps to the tune of three touchdowns from 70, 30 and 19 yards. Rosemount managed to contain Mount Royal's big noise Palov but couldn't cope with Schreiber who is reportedly a step faster than his running mate.

Schreiber gained 166 yards in 11 carries as the Rosemount defence keyed on Palov who executed several fine fakes into the line.

Schreiber counted the first two TDs of the game in a space of three minutes in the first quarter. The first was a 70-yard scamper off-tackle and the second was on a similar play from 30 yards out.

Palov and Tim Hutchins were Mount Royal's other touchdown scorers. Hutchins scored on a 70-yard pass and run off a fine pass, with Palove crashing over from the four-yard line for his major.

Mount Royal and Lachine will meet for the city championship Friday afternoon on neutral grounds.

Thanks to Tim Hutchins for sending the photo and story from the November 5, 1963 issue of the Gazette.

Dianne Hartley Guiniven and Tim Hutchins

Photo of Skating Partners Dianne Hartley Guiniven and Tim Hutchins

Music Festival 1964

Photo of Helen Booth, Valerie Tarr, and visiting band members
Helen Booth, Valerie Tarr, and two visiting band members
for the MRHS Music Festival, January 1964

Alan Mirabelli, Marilyn Mirabelli, Paul Lewis and Linda Nixon Trippel, 1964

Photo of Linda Nixon Trippel, Paul Lewish, Alan Mirabelli and Marilyn Mirabelli

and, Linda and Alan, a few years later, in July 2005
Photo of Linda Nixon Trippel and Alan Mirabelli

Ski Weekend—Bastin Country Home In the Laurentians—Winter 1964

Photo of Ski Weekend Winter 1964
Back: Ruth Bastin, Brian Cooper, Pat Cummings,Ken Marcolin
Middle: George Wallace, Nita MacDonald, Kit Henry, Stephan Ross
Front: Tom Allen, Linda Gilbert

Photo of Ski Weekend at Bastin home, winter 1964
L to R: Brian Cooper, Ken Marcolin, George Wallace, Nita MacDonald, Tom Allen, Linda Gilbert, Ruth Bastin, Kit Henry, Betty McRae, Jim Marcolin, Stephan Ross

1963 Major Letter Awards

From the June 20, 1963 TMR Weekly Post. Thanks to Valerie Acland and Paul Lewis, each of whom sent the photo.
Photo of 1963 Awardees of MRHS Major Letter AwardMajor school letters were awarded annually to students who showed both leadership and proficiency in athletics. The 1963 winners included students from the classes of 1963 and 1964.
Back: Bertram Kidd, James Wallace, Peter Conradi, Jeffrey Harris, Robert Neild, and Paul Lewis.
Front: Phyllis Gordon, Judith Statten, Valerie Acland, Joanne Willis, Elizabeth Chatham, Carole Picard, and Sherrill Swift.

Driver's Education Class, 1963-64

Thanks to Paul Lewis for sending the photo, and to Michael Saunders for recalling that the photo was for the Driver's Ed class.

Photo of 1963-64 Driver's Education Class
Taylor Statten
Third row: Norman Galt, Tom Vandor, Ed Bass, Stan Mazoff
Second row: John Falconer, Brian Stuart, Paul Lewis, Neil Withers, Michael Saunders, John Hoffman
Front: Driving instructors, Heather Wright, Lynn Rochman, Hannah Hecht, Carol Fraser, Goldie Turkewicz, Valerie Tarr, Jan Lauer, Susan Vipond, PSBGM representatives

1961–1962 MRHS Dixieland Band

Bert Kidd, Bruce Cornish, Rick Jones, Leon Aronson, and David Mills. The group's pianist, Donald Lavery, was absent when the photo was taken.
Thanks to David Mills for sending the photo.

Last updated: July 7, 2022