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Don Flumerfelt

Photo of Don Flumerfelt and family
Don, daughter Bethany on her 29th birthday, son Joshua and on his lap grandson Gabriel, wife Julia and grandson Nathan.  Barely visible at lower left, Don's Sheltie, Lady McDuff (Duffy for short)

My wife Julia (Smith) also attended Mt. Royal High but 3 years after me. We never met until she went to CarIeton University and I went to Queens. Then in summer 1969 we met on a team of university students reaching out to kids on drugs. We ran coffee houses and out trip programs. Now we have two grandsons, Gabriel and Nathan.

My son Joshua is married to Pamela Schrauwen from Armstrong, BC. Son Joseph is a 12 year partner of Restate Media in Monterrey, Mexico. Joe is our world traveller but his work has given us an opportunity to visit Mexico one Christmas. For some strange reason I have been busy all the rest of my 54 years of Christian ministry. God willing I am still going as long as my health lasts. My daughter Bethany, has been part of the L'Arche Community of Edmonton (founded by Jean Vanier in 1962). Bethany has been living in Little Flower home for the past 10 years. Bethany has Downs Syndrome but is having a heck of a good life! Mom & Dad wish they could go on some of the trips Bethany has taken in the past few years.

I was ordained a Catholic Priest in 2007, after 29 years of ministry in the Anglican Church of Canada. I serve as the Assistant Pastor of five South Salve communities ranging in population from 60 to 3,600 people. I am learning the Dene Ke language one word at a time but find it fascinating to listen to the stories of elders who have moved from being born in the bush and surviving off the land to carrying ipods and driving big 4 x4 trucks.

I have been residing at in Hay River, NT. People can contact me by calling "polarjool" on Skype. We sure find Skype useful with such large distance between communities in the North. Its great for all around the world. We have some Nigerian priests who are in constant contact with their families in Nigeria through Skype.

Peace & All Good (as St. Francis would say)

Fr. Don & Julia Flumerfelt

Here is what I looked like a few years ago:

Photo of Don Flumerfelt


Here is a story about Don that we found on the Internet:

Married priest ordained in NWT

Written by Sara Loftson, The Catholic Register
Friday, 23 February 2007

Don Flumerfelt

Yellowknife, NT

Hundreds of parishioners packed St. Patrick’s Church in Yellowknife, NWT, on Feb. 18 to see Don Flumerfelt ordained as the first Catholic priest married with children in the Mackenzie-Fort Smith diocese.

After 29 years as an Anglican priest, Flumerfelt will now lead a Catholic church in the Sahtu region of the Northwest Territories.

“It’s an answer to prayer,” said Flumerfelt, 59.

Flumerfelt made the decision after taking a short break from his Anglican ministry to deal with family issues, including his daughter’s illness and mother’s death. During the difficult time, Flumerfelt said he received a lot of support from the Catholic Church and began to feel a strong connection to the faith.

The Mackenzie-Fort Smith diocese covers most of the Northwest Territories and small portions of Nunavut, Alberta and Saskatchewan. While it’s the largest diocese geographically in the world, it only has seven priests: three are on loan from other southern Canadian dioceses, three are diocesan priests and one is an Oblate of Mary Immaculate.

During the western bishops’ ad limina visit to Rome in the fall, Bishop Denis Croteau, OMI, used most of his 15-minute audience with Pope Benedict XVI to petition for Flumerfelt’s ordination. After Croteau assured the Pope that Flumerfelt was a suitable candidate and would be accepted by the local community, the Pope granted permission on the spot.

During the Mass, St. Patrick’s pastor Fr. Joe Daley read the indult from the Pope to assure the congregation that this is a legitimate ordination.

“It’s (my wife’s) ‘yes,’ along with the Pope, that has given me the privilege of standing here today as a Roman Catholic priest,” Flumerfelt told the congregation in his closing remarks.

Flumerfelt’s wife of 35 years, Julia, read the first reading and was acknowledged throughout the Mass at different points. She said she felt very included during her husband’s formation.

“I try to respond when people have a need when they ask me, but I’m much more of a prayer person in the background,” said Julia Flumerfelt, 57, who has also converted to Catholicism.

While many hoped this ordination would be a sign of unity between Anglicans and Catholics, no Anglican clergy were in attendance.

The ordination also caused a sore spot for some Catholics in the diocese.

“I’ve had some very strong statements from Catholics who’ve said you can’t do this, it’s just impossible to have two loves, one for the church and one for your wife,” said Flumerfelt. “I don’t honestly believe that’s true for all people.

“The bishop has said the discipline of celibacy is a discipline of the church, it’s not a word directly from God and that discipline may in time change, but we haven’t been in this to try and change anything.”

“We are not crusaders,” added Julia Flumerfelt.

“It’s interesting for myself. They’ll let me through the back door, but they won’t let me through the front,” said James Lynn, the parish leader at the Dettah Mission, a small 30-person mission just outside Yellowknife.

He is one of two men in the diocese who have left the priesthood to marry. In Lynn’s case, he left 17 years ago to marry a native woman. He is no longer able to celebrate Mass, but instead he leads eucharistic services, in which the host is pre-consecrated by a priest.

Croteau has written a pastoral letter to explain these concerns and others.

For a “Protestant minister becoming a Catholic priest there is a continuous march on the journey of faith. With the Catholic priest who has renounced his vow there is a break in the journey of faith to do something else,” Croteau wrote.

Internationally, hundreds of married priests from other Christian faiths have been ordained by the Catholic Church in recent years.

While the Catholic Church only allows married priests in rare instances, the Orthodox Church allows married priests, as do the Eastern-rite Catholic churches.

Last updated: July 29, 2011