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George Geracimo

Photo of George Geracimo

Since High School, I've lived in Montreal. I graduated from Loyola & University of Montreal.

I've spent over 30 years in commercial real estate; 25 of which were on the corporate side & the last 6 on my own in commercial real estate asset management & commercial brokerage, primarily on the investment side. My businesses are:

Geracimo & Associates (Real Estate Advisors), and
Sigma Alpha Realty (Chartered Real Estate Broker)
1200 McGill College Avenue
Suite 2050
Montreal, QC H3B 4G7

I have 4 children, (6 & 4 and 35 & 33 from a previous marriage).

I enjoy travelling & I'm an avid cyclist, runner & skier.

Photo of George Geracimo on cycle

Best regards,


12/2010 Update:

Time flies! I'm now into my 6th week of training for the Rome marathon in March. I'm running with Team in Training which supports the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada. Unfortunately, this past week, I've slacked off on the training.

The xmas cocktail and luncheon circuit must have caught up with me. I only trained twice this week. But, no excuses! Tomorrow, at 8:00 a.m. sharp, I will run my weekly long run which is now set at 22km. I hope I survive! The good news is that the weather should be reasonable (-9 with light winds and, hopefully, decent footing). I will be running with my friends at Team in Training starting from the Westmount Y on Sherbrooke. It's far easier to run 22km in a group than alone. Unfortunately, the group runs are only once per week. The remaining runs during the week are usually alone and in the dark at around 5:00 a.m.

That's why I'm looking forward to doing a lot of cross country skiing over the Holidays. It's a great way to train, a lot gentler on the knees and a lot more fun than running in the streets of Montreal during the winter. But, the cause I'm supporting keeps me going. Speaking of which, please check out how I'm doing by clicking on the following link:


Many thanks!!

Best wishes to you and yours for the Holiday Season & all the best in the New Year.


Last updated: December 19, 2010