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Ariel Grumberg

Before MRHS

I was born and initially brought up in Egypt until 1956. From Egypt, the family trekked to Canada (for 3 months), followed by one year in Lausanne, Switzerland, a short stint in Italy and 3 years in France. They then immigrated to the Denver in Colorado for 2 years, to ultimately end up in Montreal in 1961.

From all the above I developed 2 things: an aversion to moving, and a love of travel.

After MRHS

I attended McGill University for 2 years, and wound up at Rochdale College, furthering my ‘education’. I did take the obligatory trip to Europe in 1971, trekking from Paris to Copenhagen and then South to Spain and then Italy, where fortunately the Moped was stolen. The trip took 6 months, and having left with $300, I managed to come home with $280. I did work at several stops, the most interesting job was that of a “wine steward and factotum” on a river barge. The trip cemented by love of travel and to this day I don’t feel right when my bags are unpacked for too long.

In 1972 I had moved to Toronto, and was seriously engaged in furthering my career working for a large Toronto company. While working there in 1973, I had occasion to visit Montreal on a recruiting trip. One of the applicants was a young lady named Diana, whom I had previously met a few years ago at a work function. We were soon engaged. I was happy that my mother was able to meet the lady who would become my wife, while my mother was still alive. We were married in Montreal in 1974, as Diana’s parents lived there.

We both remained in Toronto until 1980, when the company relocated me to Montreal, and we bought a house in TMR on Kindersley. It was in that house, that both our children were born. My daughter Talya was first in 1981 and my son Michael in 1983. My dad passed away in 1982, and was not able to see any of his grandchildren.

We lived happily in TMR from 1980 the end of 1992, when Diana convinced me to move to the ‘country’—to Hudson. Commuting was no longer a factor for me, as I had become small business management consultant in the late 80’s, and was now travelling mostly to the U.S., helping my company’s clients.

Our family was jolted in 2000 when Diana was diagnosed with lung cancer, which unfortunately is largely untreatable. She passed away in June of 2001 and left a hole in our lives.

I remained in the house, as my kids proceeded with their studies. My daughter Talya received a Bachelor Degree in Music from McGill, and is continued her studies at Concordia where she received a Masters Degree in Psychology. She is PhD candidate now. My son Michael received a BA in English Literature from McGill and a BEd also from McGill. He now teaches adult education in Montreal.

In early 2006 (nearly 37 years later), I reconnected with a lady who had been introduced to me while at McGill by my then roommate. We had dated twice, once going to one of my favorite places, Lac Simon, the other just having a regular date. We had not seen or talked to each other since the late 60’s. We began by corresponding by email, and this was followed by Messenger Chats, and later by telephone conversation. In September 2006, I drove to Toronto to meet Judy and, as they say, we got along famously. Ultimately Judy and I were married in October of 2007. We spent our honeymoon in Tunisia on the Island of Djerba, the “isle of dreams”.

Reconnecting with Judy and marrying her has been one of the great blessings of my life. The family instantly grew larger as I now have 2 stepdaughters Amanda and Sherri, and a wonderful mother-in-law (really!). We also have 2 grandsons who keep us very active when they visit or when we are able to visit them.

In the last 3 to 4 years I have ‘slowed’ down my work-pace, but still travel to projects in the U.S. I am now trying to balance travelling for work with leisure travel.

I have always kept in touch with Suheyl Muskara, and we visit as often as we can. Although I am very close to my brother Sylvain, I consider Suheyl my ‘other brother’.

And what would this short write-up be with some ‘health talk’. I am in good shape, a bit overweight, but working out diligently.

Last updated: March 24, 2009