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Suheyl Muskara

Age Now: As of next week 63
Cell: (954) 854-5252
Marital status: Married (second time around..) wife Carolyn Aziz, from Montreal/TMR..
Children: 2 Boys:
Kemal 31, born in New York City. Graduated in architecture from Florida International University and now completing graduate studies at School of Design, University of Pennsylvania;
Murat 27, born in Miami. Graduated in IT studies from Florida State University
Grandchildren: TBA (please don't rush..)

I was born in Istanbul, Turkey and we moved to New York City in 1958 and just kept on moving to Egypt and in 1959 to Montreal. I first attended Northmount High (no longer there I guess) and the following year moved to TMR (Graham Blvd—building owned by Barbara Hawkins' dad) and next to Athlone Rd (neighbour to Ernie Karkoukly). At MRH I was very busy being on the soccer, wrestling, swimming, curling teams and don't remember what else. I enjoyed Dr. J's classes and being a drummer in the Orchestra (hey Marc Goldman—did we ever jam together ??) and enjoyed Dr Logan's wry sense of humour—202 home room.

Diplomas and certificates acquired since graduating from MRHS

Started at Sir George Williams University in 1964; studied for 3 years and dropped out to explore the world. I had received training in the summers in Food and Beverage at Queen Elizabeth Hotel and at Jasper Park Lodge (over 5 years) so I formally started my career in the hotel business with Hilton in US Virgin Islands (what a relief to move to the Caribbean on a bleak late December day). Then onto Dominican Republic, Caracas, Venezuela.  Never settled down. Took a sabbatical from hotel biz and moved to Rio de Janeiro and taught English at a private institution. Got engaged to a wonderful Brazilian pianist and decided to take life "more seriously" and left Rio (what a life..) and returned to Montreal and to Sir George. Slummed the next two years (discovered ways to live off real cheap..) and FINALLY graduated in 1973 with a B.Com. (and no longer engaged).


Started to work immediately with Sheraton Hotels (sales & marketing) in Cleveland, OH, Dayton, OH., Chicago, Montreal (at the old Sheraton Mount Royal). Then onto New York City and back to Rio de Janeiro - 7 years/ 6 moves.  My wife said "enough already". So we set up camp in Miami, bought my/our first house (which got partially wiped out in 1992 with hurricane Andrew). Parted company with my former spouse and a few years later met Carolyn, and for couple of years waiting and commuting between Tallahassee and South FL, got married in 2000 on board Royal Caribbean's Sovereign of the Seas (I recommend ship-board weddings) and sailed away with our extended family (18 people—got a great deal)

Along the way, in addition to Francais, Turkish I picked up Spanish and Portuguese. This came in handy in my new business ventures in representing airlines, foreign tourism bureaus, attractions, etc., with our network of offices throughout Latin America. So here we are "spanning the globe" over the past where-did-they-go 45 years. I am "nearly" retired (who can afford it these days?). For the past 12 years, we are a Destination Management Co and Tour operator/cruise marketers and still enjoy sailing with my wife. She loves cruising/traveling; we cruise the Atlantic to/from Europe, drive all over Europe, get into mischief and have people comment at the old geezers from Florida.

Life has been informative, rewarding, challenging, colourful, and am delighted to be able to get together with my old buddy/bro Ariel Grumberg—visit Spain and cruise back from Spain to Florida with him and his better half; what else can you ask for? Great friends/loved ones, good enough health and some change in your pocket to make it possible. Close friends and fond memories some of the best at MRHS, and lots of cheer. And here is one to you my classmates (including ones who are not among us)!!

Last updated: April 23, 2009