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Anne Neely Seeley

Photo of Anne Neely Seeley, BJ Collins Howitt, and Jane Lavery Leja, Kingston, ON, July 2009
Anne Neely Seeley, BJ Collins Howitt, and Jane Lavery Leja, Kingston, ON, July 2009

Name: Anne Neely Seeley

Age Now: 65 (66 very soon)

Web Page URL: www.carberryglassworks.com

Marital status: Married to Morgan Seeley, since 1970.

Children: Of the two-footed variety, none. Of the four-footed variety that goes “woof” in the night, eight to date (all Newfoundlands), two currently living – Faeroe (female) will be 10 at the end of January 2013; young Barlow was 5 in September 2012.

Photo of Newfoundland Faeroe Photo of Newfoundland Barlow

Grandchildren: None.

Diplomas and certificates acquired since graduating from MRHS: BA (Music History); MA (ditto), ABD (ditto), MLS, certificates in technical writing and creative non-fiction

Present or Last Job (Company, Position, Year of retirement): Retired roughly four years ago from small glassblowing business co-owned with Morgan. He was the gaffer; I was the bit-girl. Still trying to sell the space itself (in South Seattle); a nice little artist’s studio if anyone’s interested.

Other jobs you have held: chemistry lab equipment cleaner, file clerk, book store assistant, teaching assistant, librarian, technical writer/editor, website developer

Most fun job you ever held: Lots of fun along the way.

If retired how do you keep busy? The problem isn’t keeping busy, but rather slowing down. Rowing (including racing – see photo from this past fall’s Head of the Gorge regatta in Victoria BC; that’s me in the stroke seat; currently training for San Diego Crew Classic, April 2013), gardening (including weekly stint at local library garden for the past 15 years), dog training (on hiatus at the moment, but past has included obedience, rally, agility, tracking carting, water rescue training, and most recently nosework), webmaster for Bainbridge Island Rowing

Health: Pretty good aside from occasional aches and pains, which I find are best to ignore for the time being.

Family members who are now deceased: Both parents; sister Dagy (Mary Ellen)

Most memorable moment at MRHS: The time I got detention for wearing brown knee socks. I think they were only supposed to be black or navy blue.

Fave teacher at MRHS: Scammell, McDougal (was he the one who taught algebra and trig?), Doc Jones

Dumbest moment at MRHS: Blissfully forgotten

Proudest moment at MRHS: Latin prize?

Any other info you wish to share: Met up with BJ Collins Howitt and Jane Lavery Leja for a quick lunch in Kingston ON in July 2009 (see photo), while on my way from family reunion in Augusta GA to Toronto with my brother Mike and niece Lindsey. Met up with Jane again this past summer for a few days at Veronica Hess Shelford’s wonderful retreat on Thetis Island; sorry, no pix, we were too busy talking!

Last updated: April 10, 2009