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Christine Shatilla Emery

Photo of Christine Shatilla, husband and grandchild

How absolutely wonderful to hear about old friends after all of this time.

I am amazed by the accomplishements that I have been reading about. I do not have any books that were published—but I do, however, read a lot.

I was the stay-at-home mother who did carpool and spent many years sitting on a soccer field, and in a hockey rink supporting and cheering on my two sons. That is actually my claim to fame, and the one thing that I am most proud is that I raised two sons who have turned into fabulous men.

My treasure and my heart is my 18 months old granddaughter, Chloe. I love every second that I spend with her—even though she exhausts me!

I have been married to Reg Emery for 39 years. How can that be? How can it be that many years since we were in high school? It amazes me that we are people who are in their sixties!

I look forward to a 50th reunion—the 25th was fabulous!

I wish us all good health!

February 14, 2009

Last updated: February 14, 2009